
About Me

I am a wife and mother of 12.  We have 7 biological children and 5 adopted Chilean children.  I live most of the time in the little country town of Mariposas, Chile, South America.

When I first met and married my husband, my sister-in-law was involved in all kinds of things.  She had been caught in a number of lies and my mother-in-law, a widow woman, hired a private investigator to find out exactly what she was doing.  This was my first experience with this type of situation.  Over the years I have seen the importance of knowing what to do and of just being prepared when situations like these arise.  There are many, many things that you can do yourself, or if you prefer, you can hire a private investigator.


  1. Can you see who last subscribed to your newsletter/blog posts? If so, please email me as soon as you can. This is not a scam, or anything weird. I know you from another site.

  2. No, I can't. I'm sorry. Wish I could help.
